Dr. VEDIYAPPAN THIRUMAL completed his Ph.D. at the Alagappa University. In 2018.12~2019.12, he was working a post-doctoral researcher at XJTU with Professor Jiangxuan Song. He is Nanotechnologist with more than 8 years of research experience in the fabrication of symmetrical and asymmetrical supercapacitors with development on 2D nanomaterials research. His industrial and academic research careers have significant expertise in various scientific fields such as electrochemistry, nanotechnology, materials science and electrochemistry. Recently his major research work interest focus on battery type hybrid supercapacitor development and their composites anode materials for Li, Na batteries. This includes 2D materials development on Mxene making engineered electrodes future battery anode materials designing elegant devices. I am an active associate member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (AMRSC) and Electrochemical Society. And also his research carriers to contribution of reviewer in SCI-Scopus indexed scientific journals.